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沈卿卿爱霍霆萧十年,为他甘愿赴死,却不想新婚当天,他亲手将她送入监狱,毁了她,还害死了襁褓中的儿子……涅槃重生,她记得所有人,却唯独忘记了他,面对前夫的穷追不舍,她说,前夫,滚远点,想追我?请排队! 婚浅情深前夫请滚远点

家道中落,少年唐毅避祸他乡,意外得到异宝传承。隐身偏隅把握璇玑,滚滚红尘修真养性。小隐太寂寞,大隐太劳碌,我觉市井方好。 隐世强少

It's the end of the summer, which means one thing: Color War time! Color War is the event of the summer, a massive camp-wide competition. The camp is divided into two teams, Blue and White, with upper campers vying for the envied spot of lieutenant, a team leader position.Jenny assumes she's got lieutenant in the bag, being a “popular girl” and all. And Play Dough sure hopes he does too—members of his family have been White team lieutenants for generations! But when assignments are announced, both are in for a surprise.Play Dough's a lieutenant all right—for the enemy Blue team—and Jenny isn't lieutenant at all. So who is? Jamie, Jenny's sidekick. With the entire camp amping up for an all-out war, can Jenny and Play Dough overcome expectations and lead their teams to victory? Breakout(CampRollingHills#3)

黑心莲打脸上位史,三观不正,不喜勿喷文案暂定呆萌妖后*脑补帝王落魄女*深沉校霸自卑哑女*暴躁富二代 快穿之男神心尖宠

郝娴是一名英语教师,人生最大目标是安静当一名吃瓜群众,混吃混喝舒舒服服度过此生,但是却阴差阳错之下穿越到閗攰芐国,惊讶之余发现这里居然是以女为尊,于是发生了一系列有趣的事情。 我只想当个吃瓜老师

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